Clients Designers Contractors Property Managers

Garth Ruffner Landscape Architect

Church Landscaping in Elk Grove, California
Landscape Screening of a Church Parking Lot in Elk Grove
Parking Lot Landscaping

Bruceville Road Frontage

Western Perimeter Planting

Located at the corner of Bruceville Road and Terrazzo Drive, this 4 acre LDS Meetinghouse project was completed in 2007.

Architect:  Nichols Melburg & Rossetto

General Contractor: Jacobsen Construction

Landscape Contractor: Vista Parks Landscaping

Parking lot lighting and canopy tree locations were carefully coordinated to prevent conflicts as the trees grow.

South Parking Field

A dense planting of evergreen trees and shrubs will thoroughly screen the adjacent residences when the plants mature.

Laguna Creek Meetinghouse, Elk Grove