Clients Designers Contractors Property Managers

Garth Ruffner Landscape Architect

Landscape Architecture in Elk Grove, California
Bicycle Racks in Elk Grove, CA
Medical Office Landscaping in Elk Grove

Driveway from Bighorn Boulevard

This medical office project includes 2 buildings located at 9390 Bighorn Boulevard.  The site is about 4 acres in size and work was completed in 2007.

A wide variety of colors and textures creates a healthy appearance over an extended season.

Planting Design for an Elk Grove Medical Office Seating Area

Plaza Area

Developer: Jackson Properties

General Contractor: Jackson Construction

Architect: Comstock Johnson Architects

Landscape Contractor: Rosewood Landscape

The plaza area between the two buildings will become increasingly inviting as the Chinese Elm trees mature.

Typical Office Entry Planting

South Walkway

Laguna Professional Center, Elk Grove